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Benefits of becoming a member of Whangarei Theatre Company:

  • Receive Newsletters

  • Early notifications about shows and auditions

  • A chance to be involved in shows on and off stage

  • Opportunities to attend MTNZ training courses in Lighting, sound, costumes, make-up, props, stage design, directing, marketing etc.


To become a member of the Whangarei Theatre Company (or to renew your membership), please fill out the form below and submit the form. Please ensure you use your name as the reference on our bank statement.


It would be appreciated if you could also send us an email if there are any changes in your contact details to ensure we can keep in touch with you. Please email the changes to: Whangarei Theatre Company


The annual membership is $25 per calendar year. 


Our bank account details:

Whangarei Theatre Company

12-3099-0417087-00 ASB Whangarei 

Thanks for submitting!


  • Every person participating in a show in any way must be a financial member within 3 weeks of becoming involved.

  • No alcohol may be consumed by anyone under the legal drinking age. 

  • No alcohol may be consumed by anyone backstage, or by any of the cast or crew prior to, or during a performance. 

  • No smoking anywhere in the building. 


As a member of the Company, you will be responsible for... 

  • Assisting with locking up after rehearsals etc. (e.g. checking all windows and doors are closed and locked. 

  • Ensuring that all lights are switched off as you leave dressing rooms and other areas. 

  • Washing and drying your cup after use and generally keeping kitchen tidy. 

  • Keeping your costume clean during the run of the show. 

  • Assisting with 'pack-out' - clearing and cleaning theatre, stage, dressing rooms, workshop and any other tasks necessary on the morning after the closing night of a show. 



  • Never walk or look through stage curtains at any time when there may be audience in the theatre. Never talk in the wings during rehearsals or performances. 

  • Never leave the theatre or go out among the public wearing costume or stage make-up. 

  • Keep out of the kitchen, particularly while meals are being prepared or served. 

  • Ensure you do not eat or drink in the theatre auditorium. 

  • Do not put your feet on the backs of the seats. 

  • Never sit in the aisles - it contravenes fire regulations. 

  • Ensure cell phones are switched off during rehearsals and performances. 


Please keep in mind that as we are an amateur organisation, our human resources and equipment are limited and you may be requested to assist in a variety of ways; for example... 


You may have to provide your own hosiery and shoes; do your own hair and make-up; carry out minor alterations to your costumes; assist with the construction or painting of the set; help put up advertising hoardings or help out with tea and coffee making.


Most importantly, you are here because you want to be involved in theatre, and this means having fun. 


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The Forsyth Barr Riverbank Centre,

71 Reyburn House Lane Whangarei. 
PO Box 692, Whangarei 0140, New Zealand.

PH: +64 9 438 3523 (leave a message) 



GST 043-150-227

Charities Commission CC 22701

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